We provide consulting and training services to increase accessibility for people with disabilities.

how Accessible Avenue came to be

Ron Brooks Accessible Avenue’s Co-Founder

Ron Brooks
Accessible Avenue’s Co-Founder

I grew up in a small community where blind kids like me had few opportunities and limited potential for success. From there, I went to college and then into the workforce with one goal—improve transportation and mobility for people with disabilities so we can go where we want, get the jobs we want, and lead the lives everyone wants for themselves.

For more than 25 years, I have worked in the public transit industry, managed, trained, served as a consultant, presented at too many conferences and events to count, negotiated contracts, counseled employees, prepared and presented budgets, served on Boards of Directors, and gained a reputation for being honest, friendly and competent.

At home, I am married for 23 years and counting, raising three thriving teenagers, heavily involved in the disability community, and thinking, “What’s next? How can I take all of these experiences and make a whole that is more than the sum of its parts?”

Introducing Accessible Avenue

For several years, I published a blog series called Accessible Avenue. I wrote about transit, paratransit, pedestrian access and other accessibility topics from my dual perspective as a blind man and transit professional. So when I decided to create this company, I decided to repurpose this wonderful name.

Graphic of two business people carrying oversized directional arrows while standing at an intersection.

Accessible Avenue is a place where transit agencies, state Departments of Transportation, federal, state and local government agencies, organizations, architects, builders, manufacturers, providers, suppliers, consultants and anyone else who is involved in planning, building, managing and operating transportation and the community infrastructure that supports it can connect with individuals and organizations who can provide training, consulting or public speaking in the space of disability awareness, accessibility, inclusion and engagement with the ultimate goal of making our communities more accessible for everyone.